15 week appointment went awesome! Baby's heart beat was in the 120's, which says boy, but I'm craving fruit like I did with Lilly. I think this one is going to keep confusing us until delivery. Because remember we are waiting until delivery to see if this one is a boy or a girl!
I'm already showing! I swear this test said pregnant and I saw my belly pop out! By the time this kid comes out, I dunno if I'll be able to walk or stand up straight!
Our big ultrasound is on April 20th at 10:30am. But remember, while it's the "big" ultrasound we aren't finding out the sex until delivery!
The kids are doing well. Tonight we made a earthworm dessert, messy, but VERY yummy!
The kids had a blast getting messy with Auntie and loved the dessert!
A few weeks back we went to the zoo with Aunt Kelly, Kaylea and Kadence!
We had a blast!!!!
Things are going really well for us! We are looking into another pair of lovebirds to breed. Our lovebirds we have now are sitting on three eggs. The baby dove is grown, the momma is sitting on another egg and the bottom doves hatched their first baby! He or she is about a week old now. :)
-The Gaffney Family