Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Catch up Part 4: The not fun side.

*WARNING There are some photos that may be disturbing or upsetting to some. I do feel that it is important to show them so that I do not forget what has happened and to help remind those that life is so precious.*

Ahh so it has been awhile. In March we moved. Also in March I started having some pain in my lower right pelvic side. It was not strong at first, and only happened every so often. That went on until mid April. Then the pain started getting to the point where I couldn't even take care of my kids and house hold. I saw my regular doctor, who sent me to my OB, then my OB send me to a GI specialist who then sent me back to my OB. I was kind of a mystery. Xrays showed nothing. But a CT scan showed I had a coil (from Essure, a permanent birth control device. Learn more about it here it is a permanent birth control for women, that sadly  has many negative side effects and have left many women with hysterectomies, pregnancies after Essure ect. Please click that link to learn more and it would be wonderful if you signed the petition as well. You'll know why I directed you to this particular site shortly) embedded in my uterus. No one of course told me this. I found out only after requesting a copy of MY medical records. So after discussion with my OB it was decided based on my pain I was having and the fact that we were blessed with four children, that a hysterectomy was going to be the best decision for me. (My Essure only took on the right side. Even after two attempts to place it on my left side, it had failed. And the coil that was embedded in my uterus was from the first attempt.)

So, May 30th, I went in and had a Da Vinci surgery (robot assisted) hysterectomy. Everything went great. At the time, there was no endometriosis around (good news) and she didn't or couldn't see what would have caused my pain. Later after my uterus was tested everything came back normal, except for the coil embedded in my uterus. Although they can't say that was the cause of my pain. How convenient.

Below are some photos. *Warning some are of my incision areas on my stomach, while not real graphic, not everyone may want to see them.*

Hubby and I in recovery waiting to go home!
 Me with my Essure Ribbon.


 Here are my small three incisions. That's all it took to do my hysterectomy. Amazing how far we've come with our medical advances! This is the day of the surgery! Looks pretty good!

 A recovering selfie in the hospital.
 A selfie of me once I was home, same day as surgery!

Recovery was pretty easy. The first 48 hours were the hardest. But I have to give a HUGE shout out to my dad and mom who came down to watch the kids the night before and took the three of them up to their house for that first weekend from my surgery so I could get 100% rest with out having to worry. A huge shout out to my in laws who took Emma before and kept her a few weeks after my surgery to help out.  Again a shout out to my mom and Grandma Jackie who came down for a week afterwards to help out and encourage me to get out of bed and walk around. My mom took a week of her own vacation time. The appreciation I have for them cannot even be expressed. Even recovering, it is a week I will never forget. I got to spend quality time with my mom and grandma and I am forever grateful for that!

My advice for anyone who is getting a hysterectomy. Prepare yourself. Prepare your family and kids, especially if they are young (mine are 7, 5, 3 and 2). Also don't be afraid to ask for help. Your family and friends are wanting to do this, trust me. You aren't a burden on them. They love you and let them help you and show you that love and support. And when they say to rest, REST! It is so important. With out the proper rest, you are just prolonging the time it takes to recover. Let family and friends bring over meals. If you have time to prepare, look up freezer meals you can make ahead of time to help out your significant other. Use your recovery time to, journal, read those books you've been wanting to read, or watch those shows you've been wanting to watch. Sign up for Pogo and play some games and most importantly look for a support group on line. You are not alone and that support played a HUGE role in helping me recover!

And if you had excellent care at the hospital that you had your surgery at, this is a perfect time to write thank you notes. Too often the nurses and staff at the hospital hear about everything people didn't like. But hearing a thank you for the great job they did and how much you appreciate it, that makes them keep going. Knowing they touched the lives of others.

So my recovery was going along great. My check ups at my OB's office went smoothly. I had my last check up Monday, July 14th. I was a bit sore, but things were fine, I was feeling great and I was headed home with a good bill of health.  Sadly Tuesday my fever spiked to 104. Even when it just started at 99, I was having  the body shakes and chills. I was sick to  my stomach and couldn't eat anything. I was taking Tylenol and ibuprofen to help with the pelvic pain I had started and with the fever. But even with that, the pain was still there and my fever rarely went under 104. Wednesday morning I called my OB's office and talked with her assistant (only way to talk to my doctor is through her). I'm very disappointed because I was told my thermometer was broken and even in an adult I'd feel like death with that high of a fever. My response, "I checked my children's temps right after and they were all normal, checked mine and again it was a little over 104 and I feel like (excuse the language) fucking shit. I can't do anything." As usual I was talked down to my my OB's assistant. I asked if I needed to come see them or go to the ER. About 45 minutes later I got a call back from the assistant: "Your thermometer is probably broken and you don't have a fever. The vaginal exam just probably caused some pain so you need to rest and we called in vicodin for you." At that point I was done and said "ok." Whats funny is it states in my records I can't take vicodin because of a past addiction to it. 

My hubby stayed up all  night to watch over me. He was suppose to work that night but stayed home. So the next morning he slept to get some sleep. By around noon, my fever was starting to go over 104 with fever reducer in me and then my arms, hands, legs and feet started going numb and tingly. I took my arms out from under the covers and they were purple and blue. I knew something was wrong and that is when my husband was woken up. He got the kids ready and took me off to the ER at Providence in Portland. His response, "Don't call that bitch back, she isn't listening and I'm taking you in the an actual hospital." Can you tell the hubby was just a tad bit, upset?

I almost wasn't able to walk into the ER on my own. In fact my husband was holding me up. They checked my vitals. That is the first time EVER I was not told what my vitals were. The nurse said "Stay here I'm getting you a wheel chair." She wheeled me over to a bed to lay on. With in two minutes I had a nurse bringing me to the back in a wheel chair. With in ten minutes I had a nurse on each side, putting a IV in each arm. The doctor actually came in and said "We suspect you are in septic shock from an infection somewhere. So we are going to do a CT scan, put you on three strong antibiotics and do a pelvic exam." I still didn't grasp the seriousness of it. I was still thinking, "Oh ok, they'll do their tests and send me home with antibiotics." 

Right after my CT scan he did a pelvic exam. Not even 20seconds of that and he knew that's where my infection was (vaginal cuff). After he left the nurse (Tiffany, she was awesome!) that when ever I was ready I could have my husband and kids come in so I could tell them I would be admitted and not going home. At this point I was confused and didn't know why I really needed to be admitted. I asked her why and she informed me that I had a serious infection going on, one I could die from. So she brought back my husband and kids and I told him I was being admitted. Of course Matt, freaks out, not showing it, but I know my husband and he was a bit scattered brained about it. He kept asking why, how long. And then when she said in ICU at first I could tell he was really upset. So he started calling his parents so he could get the kids taken care of so he could stay with me. At this point it sort of hit me what was going on and the seriousness of it and in sets an anxiety attack, in front of my kids. I hated that. They were able to give me something to help calm me, but in the mean time my poor children had to witness it and they are too young to grasp any of this really.  My husband kissed me goodbye and left to go home to get the kids ready to take up to his parents. He had sent a text to my sister saying I was being admitted for sepsis into the ICU. 

Shortly after they left I was wheeled up to ICU. I have never been in the ICU, not as a patient or nor have I been in one to see a loved one. So this was all new to me. Not long after I was in there a nurse came in and said they would most likely be putting a IV in my neck to get the blood pressure medicine to my heart quicker. (My blood pressure at check in was 74/53 and my temp, with Tylenol was 106!)  So the doctor came in to explain the IV for my neck and had me sign a consent form.  Shortly after that, the process began. Hubby still wasn't back so it was just me. Thankfully I had a wonderful nurse named Amber who sat there and kept me calm and wiped away my tears as the procedure was taking place. Just as they were wrapping up, she got a call that my hubby was back to come see me. I was so happy to see him again.

To my surprise in walks hubby and behind him, my daddy!  Talk about one of the best surprises! My sister informed my dad and my dad and mom (step mom actually, but I call her mom cause that's what she is to me) had called Matt and said they were on their way down, had taken the next day off and were ready to help in anyway! Seeing my daddy and knowing the kids were at home with my mom really helped my moral. 

*WARNING Pictures of me in the ICU. These may be too much for some to see*

I post these because I do not want to forget how close it was to being a bad outcome. And to let others know, if you think something is wrong, just go in. Trust your gut instincts.

The next morning my sister Kelly came to visit me. It was very nice seeing her, emotional, but nice. To know so many people cared was very helpful in lifting my spirits. Just the out poor of love I got on just my facebook alone to those that couldn't get there ect, helped in ways no one imagined they could.  Mid day they said that I could probably go to a normal hospital room the next day. So that was good news.

So around 2am Saturday morning (the 19th) I was moved to a normal hospital room. Someone who needed my room more than me needed to come in. I have put two and two together and I think I know who it was. If I am correct he passed away Sunday evening. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. 

Saturday my dad, mom and kids came to visit me in the hospital. Mom and dad brought me some beautiful flowers.

The kids were pretty quiet. The older two weren't phased by me being hooked up to stuff and easily gave me hugs goodbye. The younger two though were pretty freaked out. :(  While they were all there, the regular doctor and the infectious disease specialist came in to see me. My diagnosis, a strep A infection in my vaginal cuff area. A rare form of it is what I got and it is rare to get it where I got it. So, we caught it in time and I'm pretty damn lucky to still be here. When Matt asked how much longer I'd be in the hospital, they said another 2-4 days. So I said goodbye to my kids and my parents and hubby. The girls went with my parents for the next week and Matt brought the boys to his parents house for the next week. he came back home so he could stay in the hospital with me. He was with me every night, even when the ICU nurses asked him if he really wanted to stay. 

My beautiful hospital view, the sun was shining and that helped and selfie of me feeling much better!
 They say never to do hospital selfies, but in this case, I really don't want to forget what I went through.
Plus thanks to the IV fluids I had sausage fingers! lol

The next day I had some breakfast and Matt went home again to let the dog out to go potty and take care of a few things at home. While he was away the infectious disease specialist came to see me. Basically they wanted to make sure I could tolerate the antibiotic I was on in a pill form with out throwing it back up. When he noticed I was able to hold down a variety of food, he said "I'm going to talk with the doctors, you may be able to go home today." While I was calm on the outside, I won't lie, I was ecstatic to be able to possibly go home! So I let Matt know and he came back to the hospital. I ordered lunch. Around 1pm I wondered if I would be staying another night. Which would be fine, I want to make sure I was ok to go home. But around 2pm the Doctor came in and said "Good news, you get to go home this evening!" So Daeil our nurse (my day nurse and he rocked!) came in and did the paper release work around 3pm and took my IV's out ect. So I proudly walked out of the hospital and was ready to go home.

Even if I was in there for a pretty bad thing, I could not be more appreciative of the staff there. Everyone from the nurses, doctors, cafeteria workers, house cleaning ect were nothing but kind and nice. It was an amazing experience, even if I was in there for sepsis and a rare for of a strep a infection! So if you are in town and need to be see right away check them out! St. Vincents Medical Hospital Link  You will not be disappointed. My appreciation I'll never be able to fully show them for their care they gave me and how well they took care of not only me, but my husband! 

We did have to head back to the hospital as some flowers were delivered for me from our good friends Sam and Terri. They made me smile!

I will say with all of the IV fluids in me, I had a stomach that stuck out so far I couldn't see my feet. What's funny is there was a Lamaze class going on and there were all these pregnant women. I totally could have passed as one at that moment!  Took the IV fluids a full week to really get out of my system and make it to where I was back to being comfortable.

Monday our good friend Doug came over to bring by dinner and see how I was doing.  I call him our animal whisperer. Why?  He even had our cat Opi near him, and she does not like strangers. But for now here he is with Ra. Our friendly cat!

That same day there was a knock at the door. An old high school friend Kenni had sent me flowers. That put such a huge smile on my face. I love that girl like a sister, and I miss her so much!

And Lillie's are my favorite flowers. ;) So bonus points for Kenni! lol

The kids stayed with their grandparents for the next week. Tuesday hubby took me out to lunch and to see the movie Tammy Heads up. The previews show a lot of the funnier parts of it. But this story has a great story line/plot to it. So while many were disappointed, I think it was because they weren't expecting it to actual have a great story line to it. It was a good, heart warming yet funny movie, IMO.

My next post I'll go into my detail about Essure.

While I was in the hospital I learned that a high school friend was also in the hospital for the same thing. At the time I didn't realize how much more serious hers was. Sadly, Catie passed away Sunday July 27th at 1:43pm. She leaves behind three children, a loving significant other and many family and friends. It was sudden and I had just been talking with her. She was the kind of person that no matter what she was going through, she always made time to be there for others. She was such a kind, kindred spirit and I've been having a really hard time grasping this. I haven't seen her since high school, but it doesn't make the hurt any less. But I know she is no longer suffering and God got another angel. She has earned her wings and she is flying high and watching over us all. 

You are truly missed. But because you were such a kind, genuine person with such a huge heart, God needed you to help him. Until we meet again, my dear friend.....

Here is a balloon release I did in honor of Catie. I hope these balloons with such dear messages reach her in heaven. 

Saturday is a Celebration of Catie's Life. It will be hard, but we need to celebrate the wonderful woman she was and celebrate how much time we did get with her.

So these past few months have been an emotional roller coaster of emotions. It's been hard on me in every way possible. But I am blessed to have an amazing, husband, children, family and friends. And for that, I feel so appreciative. And please, hold your loved ones close. Never not tell someone you love them. Life is so precious....

-The Gaffney Family

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Catch Up Part 3

So Easter came and went. And we have four very happy children.

And we celebrated my youngest second birthday. JJ you are growing way too fast for Momma! Please slow down!

Some random photos:

Celebrated one sisters college graduation and the others high school graduation!

Now add in summer water fun and fourth of July and we are almost caught up, finally! :)

Well that's it for this post! Next and final catch up post will be about me and my health issues I've dealt with.

-The Gaffney Family