Why yes, summer has come and gone! Who knew! What did we do this summer? Honestly, it flew by so fast and we were so busy I have no idea! 0_0 But I do know we had a couple of trips to the Oregon coast and we had a blast!
I also started fostering cats! Here are just two of my past fosters....
It has been a great experience for my family and I. Especially my children in teaching them to help animals out.
We also got another bearded dragon, Lyzark. So we now have Kirra and Lyzark. Today I was finally able to confirm that Lyzark was in fact a male! If not his named would have changed to Lizzy. But luckily he gets to keep his name! ;)
Summer was fun and it went by way too fast! In fact Lilly is now in first grade!
And Ben, he is in Kindergarten!
Both did awesome with their school photos! ;)
(These are scanned, the actual photos look amazing!).
They both did a fundraiser for school (which helped the school raise over $6,500! Which $500 that, my children raised alone!) and earned prizes and Lilly gets to do the Limo Lunch ride too!
Hmm, I guess that catches you up! Here soon, I'll post about our Halloween adventures!
Until then, Stay Sane!